Update Wednesday

Hi guys! Hope y'all are doing well. I'm just starting to get my brain wrapped around the fact that it will be Christmas in a few weeks. Have I shopped? Of course not! The holidays always, ALWAYS, sneak up on me. I lift my head from my writing stupor to find that houses on my block seemed to have entered a "Make the Best Christmas Tree Out of Lights" competition. (I will not be entering. :D)
Anyway, it's been a long time since I've posted a reading and writing update, so here goes. I'm finishing up edits on a young adult romance that should be out in 2017. It's not part of The Zone series, but I hope you'll like this new set of characters. A boy and a girl with a tumultuous past are accidentally stuck at the same mountain vacation home for a week. Sparks fly, of course. ;-)
I read several books this month, but my two favorites are completely different from each other. The first is SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo. Welcome to the world of the Grisha! This young adult fantasy/heist novel has an engaging group of characters who end up on a wild ride of an adventure to break someone out of prison. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am looking forward to reading the sequel, CROOKED KINGDOM.

The other book I really liked is MY JUNIOR YEAR OF LOATHING by Jennifer DiGiovanni. This is a cute YA contemporary romance with a mysterious boy and a girl determined to find out his secrets and those of a nearby abandoned estate. It's a page-turning read.
Well, that's it for now. I hope I'll have time to post another update before the holidays engulf me. Happy reading!