Update Wednesday
Anyone else feeling stressed over Christmas? Well, not stressed exactly, but just knowing how much there is to do, I've begun to wonder if I can actually get it all done. And the answer is, of course, no. Ha! So perhaps some reevaluation is in order.

On to the Update. I started WINTER by Marissa Meyer last week and am reading it slowly, partly because I'm so busy and partly because I want it to last. I've enjoyed this series and its characters so much that I'm determined to spend as much time with them as I can. :D WINTER is loosely based on the fairy tale Snow White and is set in a futuristic world where the Lunar queen is planning world domination. Muahaha. I highly recommend it.
As far as writing goes, I did much better on my work in progress this last week. I wrote 9,893 words. Yay! Somehow I need to keep this output rolling along. And tomorrow I leave town for a few days. Guess what I'll be doing during my airport layovers.
Other good news: we finally have our Christmas tree up. And by up I mean it's standing and it has lights on it. I hope to put ornaments on before Dec. 25.
How are y'all handling this busy time of year?